It sounds scary, but it really isn't.
Scoliosis is simply an abnormal curvature of the spine. It can be a common side affect of other more severe disorders, such as cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy. But for me and the majority of other cases, scoliosis is idiopathic, which literally means "of unknown origin."
Here is what my "curvy bones" look like.
So how do you treat scoliosis?
A lot of the time, scoliosis is not severe. Typically if the degree of curvature is under 25 degrees, the condition will be monitored instead of treated. Mine, however, was of course over 25 degrees of curvature. Now if the curvature can be kept under 40 degrees by the time a person is done growing, her or she is out of danger of curvature progression have few lifelong side affects. But if for some reason the curve progresses to 40 degrees or above, no matter at what stage of growth you are at, the growth will progress. This is where it gets scary. If the curve increases too much, it can crush internal organs (pleasant, I know). In order to prevent organ crushing, spinal fusion is required. Spinal fusion is basically sticking a big metal rod in your back to keep your spine straight.
So, needless to say, the curve will ideally stay below 40 degrees. My highest curvature measures were 29 lumbar (lower back) and 31 thoracic (chest area). That was a little scary...only 9 degrees from spinal fusion got me a little nervous.
In order to prevent my spine from progressing to 40 degrees, I got a back brace. Here is what it looked like. (pardon the high-school freshman me...)
That was my first brace. I actually had to end up getting a second one, and that one was pink. Here is a picture of me now (about four years later) wearing my pink brace.
It hurt to put my brace on again. It hurt because my 19-year-old body is a lot different than my 14-year-old body. It also hurt to remember.
Remembering sitting in class and not being able to focus because of the unbearable itch under my brace that there was no way I could reach.
Remembering how my brace could be seen through all of my clothes.
Remembering how the back of my brace pushed my butt down into a funny shape.
Remembering how it put holes in all my clothes.
But, despite all the unpleasant memories, there are good ones too. Like laughing when my brother would punch my plastic encased torso in the school hallway and getting looks of horror from those passing by (I couldn't feel a thing, I promise)
Like a lot of things in life, that was not a fun time. But, my friends, it made me strong. It made me brave. It made me persevere. It made me so much more compassionate. It made me have cool conversations and do crazy things (like climbing a 13er. In a back brace. So proud.)
Friends, life is hard. We live in a sinful world where spines are crooked, brains have chemical imbalances, hearts are broken, friends die, and evil seems so prevalent. However, our God is one who redeems.
I am reminded of the story of Joseph and how God took something so evil and turned it into something so magnificent that ended up saving an entire ethnic population. Take a look at Genesis 50:20, which reads: "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."
I have no idea if God will use my story to save lives (that'd be cool, but I'm not counting on it). However, I do know that God has redeemed me and will continue to do so. My life is all about bringing Him glory, so I can be confident that what He turns into good will end up being glorifying to Him.
In this way, we can rejoice in suffering, like the Apostle Paul said. We will naturally undergo pain and suffering in this world, but it will all be redeemed for God's glory.
So continue to joyfully let God redeem you. Whatever battle you may be facing, have confidence in your forthcoming redemption.
Go, live life, be redeemed, and thereby live your life in order bring glory and honor to the lover of your soul.
Until next time, my friends.
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