Saturday, June 25, 2016

Redeemed. Round 1.

Hi there!
Welcome to Redeemed.

 My name is Betsy, and to be perfectly honest, I've never had a blog before. 

I think the awkward middle-school me tried to create a blog--but that flopped after about two posts. So why now? Well, partially because I need a hobby. And also because one of my dearest friends has a killer blog that blows my mind every time I read it. But mostly, it is because I am a passionate, opinionated, and insecure college student who wants to share my joys, thoughts, and ideas with whomever will listen. So here it goes. 

Let's start a little over a month ago. 

I did something a little crazy. I got a tattoo. (gasp)

It is on the inside of my left ankle. It is really small, only about four inches in length. But it carries a wealth of meaning for me. 

In fact, at this point in my life, it encompasses nearly two decades of who I am. 

Nineteen years of ups, downs, tears, and smiles, all encompassed in one little permanent mark on the medial portion of my left ankle. 

But it is too long of a story just now, so I will leave you with this for the moment. My story of redemption includes a few life changing months living abroad, a frustrating and scary tussle with a crooked spine, a battle for joy, and the death of a friend. It also includes a lot of personal prayer as well as prayer for me, long conversations with mentors who have changed my life, and a lot of  hope in God's unfailing promises to redeem and renew me. 

I hope that you will keep reading. It is my hope that my stories and thoughts will shine a light to the one who is greater than I.

Until next time, my friends. 

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